Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Years :)

Happy New Years everyone. I hope you have an awesome 2012.
The new year is exciting, but at the same time I am sad that 2011 has ended.
The biggest mistake already made this year, was not bringing my phone charger with me. I was hesitant to bring it in the morning, and regretted it so badly at night. By midnight, my phone was raging at me, telling me to "Charge immediately", but I was desperate to give my love ones a call and text all my friends. 

I spent my NYE in an apartment in Mcmahons point. I was up there for the whole day. Bored.
Did some reading, listened to some music, did some sit ups, and napped.
I had a beautiful view of the harbor bridge, minus the eager crowd. I spent the majority of my time staring blankly outside the window, mesmerized by the crowd who looked like ants from where I was. I was so bored, I took hourly photos of the crowd. You can progressively see it grow larger.  (9am - 8pm)
 It was 8:45 and i wanted to watch the 9 o'clock fireworks from the roof top. Elevator was jammed packed as everyone is trying to get up to the roof also, or getting down to watch from the car park. I would be killing myself if i was stuck in the elevator meanwhile hearing the fireworks crackling outside. So i took the stairs. I ran up 14 flights of stairs. Trust me, its harder than it sounds. New years resolution 1, get fit. 
And last of all, the midnight fireworks. I chose to watch it from the car park. I wanted to get the full experience of the fireworks, by seeing it, by being able to hear it with my heart beating with the explosion of the fireworks and being able to smell the after smoke of the fireworks.
What a hectic night spent with the family. By 1 o'clock everyone was in their happy stage. By 2 o'clock we had people passing out. I didn't get to sleep til 5ish, because i remember seeing the sun peeking from the horizon. Again, Happy New Years!

To keep it simple, my new years resolution is to not have a new years resolution. I don't need some sort of list to keep myself on track or to achieve goals. I hope the best for everyone. Have a great 2012.

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