Thursday, May 19, 2011

Process of my blogging

Haven't been blogging for the past few weeks.
And yet i still wont be blogging.

1. I'm waiting for something interesting to happen.
2. Mid way through the year, resulting to mid yearlies exams.

My older sibling is at camp, I am mostly now by myself alone. Quite sad, but i honestly like the feeling of being alone. The house is a little quiet, the house is a little neater. My sibling is the messy one, and i happened to be a crazy control freak, according to her I'm the "raging girlfriend"

Funny story:
On a typical school day I always leave ten minutes to school earlier than her. (I like to be on time to school and have time to socialize before class). When i leave, I always just close the wooden door without locking, then close the fly screen door only locking that one, relying on her to lock both doors when she leaves. Totally forgetting she wasn't home. Forgot to lock the door. Happened to invite a friend over after school, their response was "you don't lock your doors?"

I'm pretty sure the whole world are doing their mids.
Happy examination!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Again, another time of the year when we dedicate a whole Sunday to our beloved mothers.
Mum, I know you read my blogs and wanted to let you know that i am thankful for having you as a mother, Love you!

I spent my mothers day volunteering for a mothers day marathon.  Had to wake up "very" early this morning, and i swear to god, I saw the run rise for the first time. Its was extremely cold this morning, the field of grass had so much fog, at first i thought it was a river. My job was the drinking station. My hands were so cold for so long, it was stiff and hurts when i try to fist it. But when it got near the afternoon gladly it was warmer. 

Note: 1. The shirt was huge
          2. Yes, i am on tumblr
          3. Why am i wearing classes? camera whoring. 
          4. Hair is everywhere, because i got wet.
Afterwards went Parra Westfields to get some irrelevant things. 
Tree of life bracelet, gotta love them and a pair of black plain knitted gloves.

Friday, May 6, 2011


For the people who have or had braces, i want to give a pat on a back and nod my head in gratitude. Trust me, people who went through the stage of getting braces are not getting enough credit.

Hard enough visiting the dentist twice, getting a total of six anesthetic needles injected into your gums and getting 4 teeth pulled out is a hassle. While i was going through that stage, i would ask everyone with braces about their experience, and everyone's answer was different. While i was waiting for my turn i was very positive and excited, until the girl going before me had also just gotten her braces put on was crying. Confident level.. down. When they were putting on the braces, it felt awesome. I have always liked going to dentists and doctors. The whole time, i was aware of some case of extreme agony. Tried keeping my mind off it and paying more attention to the "Wheres Wally" pictures attached to the ceiling. But it was a huge relief to hear the orthodontist to say "Okay, your done!" Because, PFFT it didn't hurt at all. I was pretty cocky about it, until i got home... it started to hurt a lot. Yelling out for painkillers.

And now still trying to get used to them.
Its been a day or so, and they have been the longest days.
I still have another 23 months with these babies. 

Note: not the best looking picture