Saturday, October 2, 2010

Yum Cha

I didnt wake up today til 11am, it rained all morning and when its rains i believe it makes you sleep better. A good thing about waking up late is missing out on breakfast, and breakfast equals to more calories to consume. But instead i had lunch with nothing but fried bits and smothered in oil, also known as Yum Cha. 

Then had easyway, Jasmin milk tea with pearls. 
I was in the car drinking and waiting for my father, my sister thought it would be amusing to squeeze my drink. It was everywhere all over the car. Then i took it outside to flick all the wet substances off before it dries sticky, she did it again but this time it went all over the other car next to us, all over my clothes and hair. I had to sacrifice my coat to clean up all the mess since we ran out of tissues :( Guess who's not amused?

My father happens to be so proud of the flowers in front of my house. He thinks they are the most beautifulest things. And i think its a huge mess, because after blooming they die, they soon shrivel up to brown bits and fall to the ground. Not so attractive. He told me to take pictures, Why? Who's gonna look at them? You are.

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