Friday, August 12, 2011

Year 9 Camp

For three days and two nights, i have been spending it in the cold bush and it was nice. There was no wifi at all (but there was reception), so basically technology lacked, and since there's no technology in the way everyone has each other for entertainment. Camp is mostly about facing your fears and doing things you never think you will do, and no just that, you actually bond with people that you usually don't even talk to at school. At school, everyone has their own pride and do what they gotta do, while at camp, everyone seems a little nicer.

I came back from school camp today. What i really miss the most is a home cooked meal, a bed with a mattress (how all beds should be, been sleeping on a gym mat for the past 2 nights) and a hot shower. Either then that, i don't want to ever leave the camp site. 

What can i say? Camp was awesome, before going to camp, my mind kept switching back and forth on the decision whether i wanted to go or not, but i went anyways and did not regret it. I really liked the place we stayed at, there was fun ass activities and plus, there were really hot guys on work experience working there which just makes me more enthusiastic about waking up on the cold early dark morning. 

During day time we did activities with either height or mud. We had breaks after each activity we do and they would feed us all the time, i swear, you will never get hungry. Im not scared of heights or anything and i really like them "jumping off something tall" activities, but im human, and i do fear that i will fall.
During night time where i find most enjoyable, story telling by the campfire Mmm. We had a disco night and a commando night. Disco night was hectic, in a room where is crowded and dark, flashing small lights, and loud music where i can feel my heart beating with the bass. In these events, please don't be scared to dance. Its slightly awkward when there is people in the middle of the dance floor just watching others dance. Dance! or i will seriously grind you. 
Commando night was friggen awesome.
Aim was to find the hostages without getting caught. 
I find it super entertaining to get all gorilla style in the dark bush land. Man, it feels dramatic when you lay flat on the floor not giving a damn how dirty your clothes are getting. 

At the site, there was a camp instructor who was from the UK, so he had an amazing accent, and my whole cabin would not stop talking with that British accent, now since I'm back, everything is back to normal and gosh, the Aussie accent sounds weird.
Back home, back to reality, i desperately need to get started on my stack of "things to do". Don't have photos up yet, I might try and tax them off Donna.

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